Setting Powerful Goals

Why Set Goals?
The process of setting and achieving goals can be like building a ladder from where you are to where you want to be. Sharp, clearly defined goals that are meaningful to you can give you a sense of purpose and improve your self-confidence. Simply knowing where you are going can mean that you will get there faster, just ask Wayne Gretzky, the NHL’s all-time leading scorer. Writing your goals down and sharing with others can increase your chance of successfully completing them. 
How to Successfully Achieve Your Goals
Goal achievement is influenced by writing meaningful goals, committing to goal-directed actions, and being accountable for those actions. Below are five steps for writing your goals:

  1. Set Goals that Motivate You – make sure that they are important to you. Relate the goal to the priorities in your life, and then focus the goal down to its essence. One great check is to ask yourself “Why?” after you’ve written the goal down, and keep asking until you have the single nugget of purpose. Then rewrite the goal to address that purpose.
  2. Set SMART Goals
Specific – well defined; clear to anyone who has a basic knowledge of the project
Measurable – know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is; know when it has been achieved.
Achievable – results are attainable.
Relevant – relates directly to company goals, and measures actual outputs such as products, deliverables and accomplishments
Time-Framed – enough time to achieve the goal; not too much time
  1. Write Your Goals Down – this makes it real and tangible. Use positive action words like “will” instead of “would like.”
  2. Make an Action Plan – plan all of the steps needed along the way. By writing down each step, then crossing each one off as you complete it, you can measure progress towards your goal.
Here’s an interesting fact: each time we successfully achieve something, our brain releases the reward chemical dopamine. Dopamine activates the part of the brain responsible for pleasure, learning and motivation. Thus, the more you succeed, the more likely you are to continue.

  1. Stick with It – build in reminders to focus, review your goals regularly, and communicate your plan to someone who will hold you accountable.

Writing goals is a skill that improves with practice. I have been using the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey as a goal-setting platform for many years, and each year I refine the process and get better at setting goals that I am motivated to achieve. Each year I review my goals over time and realize that my life is truly a tapestry, not just a series of random events.

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